Saturday, February 22, 2014

Awesome Eyeliner! Review and Infoze!

OK, how about a little cheapy treat? I need to tell you about my new current favorite product of all time for the moment. I got this eyeliner, see... Yeah. It's e.l.f. (shocker, I know), and it is just an extraordinary product.

The Essentials Waterproof Eyeliner Pen (2$ each!) is not like any other eyeliner I've ever had. I don't know if it's the applicator tip or the liquid's chemical makeup or what, but I've never used anything like it. It's not exactly a liquid liner, but it's definitely not a pencil. It's filled with a thick, inky liquid like regular liquid liners, but you don't dip a brush into a pot of paint to apply it, and it doesn't act like liquid eyeliner at all. It's like all pigment or something... closer to a henna, maybe, than anything else; it's really hard to describe. But it. is. awesome.

Here is a jump break because why not. Clickenze link for all the gory details!