Oh, and yes, in fact I did just say I MADE JEWELRY! Pictures after the jump!
Read on for all the details!
I suspect you're expecting a full haul photo set and/or video here, but alas! It all only just arrived today, and I haven't had time to put anything substantial together for you. Hell, most of it is still in the packages. I do have a preview for you, though!
Note: You can click the pics to make them much bigger.
Doesn't give a shit about makeup.
Oops, how did that get there? What I meant to say was:
Ooohh, look at that HAUL!
That's just a SNEAK PREVIEW of the sweet, sweet haul to come, possibly with full reviews! (Well, those reviews have to come sometime...) I will tell you now that those brushes are damn luxurious, and I cannot wait to try them out properly. I've been so excited for the stipple brush and the fan brush I could barely contain myself!
What I will show you, though, is the freaking awesome jewelry that I MADE.
Jewelry that I MADE, yall.
I don't have a lot of gold-colored jewelry, but I have a few pieces. It's never enough for a full set, and I know I always have a cuter piece - or one that matches my outfit better - in silver or gunmetal. And I also know that it's totally not unacceptable to wear different metals together anymore. So I figured I'd save some money by not buying more gold jewelry and instead getting something that could bring the metals together. And of course, when I found something I liked and would pay for, it was out of stock. So I took matters into my own hands! The result, I think, is kick-fucking-ass:
I made the bracelet first.
Lookit me looking all artisan n shit!
The earrings came next...
so of course I had to show them off immediately!
It took me about 5 hours, I'd guess, to make the bracelet and the earrings and probably another 3 for the necklace. It was quite slow going at first, but once I got the hang of it (and put on that stupid headlamp), it got a lot easier. It was actually tons of fun, too, picking out the different chains and o-rings and everything and then figuring out how I was going to assemble them.
I started with the bracelet because that's the one item I don't really have in gold at all. I realized I had plenty left over, and it was kind of obvious from there that I needed matching earrings! Then I actually went back to the store the next day to get a little bit more chain to make the necklace.
Compromising positions.
I'm not going to tell you how much all the mats cost. It was way too much, way more than I'd have paid for the full set (but still less than you'd see it in a department store for), but I paid for convenience. I had the idea in my head and I wanted to make it NOW, so I ran to the craft store instead of shopping smart like I should have. I actually still have just about enough to make another full set, though, so it's not a total ripoff.
Speaking of full sets, I'll bet yall want to see it in action, eh?? You betcher ass I wore it to work on Monday!
With an outfit and everything!
In all seriousness, though, I think I may start selling these things! If I get a process down pat where it doesn't take me 2 days to make each set, then I'll probably put something up on the blog or maybe start selling on Etsy. You know I'd have to sell them for CHEAP.
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