Sunday, July 28, 2013


Been ILL... so sick... since about Thursday, and I think I'd been fighting it off for about a week before that. I finally managed to get up for a bit (to go to the drugstore, honestly), and I decided to take a shower and put on some makeup to try and feel human again. Turns out it's 100% e.l.f. products (from my latest haul... that I am STILL trying to find the strength to edit - I'm sorry yall). I'm actually happy with it. Maybe I'll post the products I used some day... I can't tell if I nailed the contouring practice or if that's just the 5-10 pounds I've lost these past few days. LOL??? Probably not.

But shit, that was enough motion for one day. GOOD NIGHT.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My "makeup bag" - VIDEO

Remember how I'm really new to this whole wearing makeup thing? Well, once I started figuring out how to do it and subsequently discovered that makeup could be purchased quite cheaply, I acquired rather a lot of it. I outgrew my previous makeup bag, which was really just a travel case that, again, my mom got in a bonus pack and gave to me.

Do you want to see what I have now? It's HILARIOUS.

(Click the jump thing for a VIDEO!)

Rest in Peace Talia :(

The online fashion and beauty communities lost a leader and a friend this week.

CoverGirl Talia Joy Castellano, whom you likely know as Taliajoy18 on YouTube, was a beauty vlogger, a makeup artist and guru, and an active YouTuber with millions of views and hundreds of thousands of subscribers. She didn't just teach women and girls how to put on makeup, and put it on well; she showed us how to improve our self-esteem with cosmetics, to feel good about ourselves, and to make the best of seemingly hopeless situations. So many of us got to know her through watching her sweet, funny, and damn good how-tos and tutorials, and we're all feeling the loss.

I just want to say a little something about this sweet soul and sister in beauty-blogging in case any of you were not fortunate enough to have watched her. If you're reading a beauty blog, then you've surely heard of her, especially since her passing. But if you did not have the good fortune to follow her while she was still with us...

More after the jump.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! :'( I have a HUMONGOUS BOX OF MAKEUP here, but I have to leave the house for hours. I can't even open it yet!

But you know what this means! HAUL POST INCOMING! I'll do everything in my power to get it posted before the weekend's up.

Still doesn't give a shit about makeup. Now actively ignoring it.

Look at the size of that box! I'm sooo excited. There is a very LARGE number of items in there, and I paid a very SMALL number of dollars for it. I'll post links to all the items and even the prices.

Alas! I have to run. I'll see you brokeass babes and cheap chicks as soon as possible!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Product Review: Makeup Remover - VIDEO!

After I clowned up my face in my eyeshadow trick video, I went ahead and kept on filming. This time I show you the cheapest makeup remover I've found to date. I even compare it to some expensive stuff! I'm gettin' purdy good at this bloggin' thing, if I do say so m'self!

Jump schmump...

UPDATE: Eyeshadow trick!

Soooooooooo I got a little accidentally drunk last night, and since I was annoying the hell out of my poor boyfriend with my loud, obnoxious drunken antics, I decided to leave him alone to go hide out in the bathroom and make a drunk makeup video! That video is coming, I promise, but that's not what this post is about. (sorry!) 

In the meantime, I went to slePASSED OUT in my makeup last night. Remember how I said the Jumbo Stick keeps your shadow on and looking like new literally until you wash it off? Here's proof! 

Pics and details after that weird jump-thing!

Friday, July 12, 2013

TRICK: Super-Powered Eyeshadow VIDEO!


Here's a video on my awesome eyeshadow trick where I take 2 cheapass (2 and 3 dollar) products and combine them into one FIVE DOLLAR SUPERPRODUCT that's bolder, better, and longer lasting than anything else out there, no matter how expensive!


Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Oh, my babes, my brokeass babes! I miss yall! And, of course, my chic cheap chicks! It's been a WEEK since I posted! But, in my defense, I've been busy... working for you!

Crappy, no-content update inside! After the jump!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Should I...?

All my millions of devoted fans, brokeass babes, and cheap chicks, I pose unto you a question:

Should I do a daily/often-enough post on what I'm wearing? Would any of the bajillionties of you be interested in seeing my outfits? Some of them are pretty chic, if I do say so myself...

Leave me a comment!

CHEAP mineral eyeshadows, CHEAP trendy clothes!

Hello hello all my brokeass babes and cheap chicks! I have gifts for you!

I know it totally seems like all I ever talk about is e.l.f. makeup (cmon, though, they're SO cheap!), buuuuuuuut here's another post. I got a REALLY GREAT sale promo email from them that I have to share.

50% off all e.l.f mineral makeup for 2 days! 

And just so it's not all e.l.f. all the time, lemme link you to my absolute favorite ebay shop in the history of ebay so that you babes, too, can get in on some of that cheap, cheap chicness!

Sale code and links after the jump...

Monday, July 1, 2013

REVIEW: e.l.f. Essential nail polishes

I finally got my (fantastically cheap, of course) tripod, so now I can make videos!

I recently bought five of e.l.f.'s Essential nail polishes because they are sooo cheap, and who doesn't love cute new nail polish colors?! So far, I am quite pleased with them. My omg yay very first video is a quick review of these!

Video after the jump! (Don't you hate how I make you click through? So mean!)

e.l.f. H.A.U.L.!! Pics and prices inside! YAY!

The moment you've all been waiting for!

Whoooooo! HOLY COW that took aaaaages to put together! So much picture taking and editing and uploading oh my! But it was worth it, for you, my brokeass babes and cheap chicks. I love alla yall. <3

I got my latest haul from e.l.f. in the mail the other day, and I'm so excited to share it with you!

Everything after the jump because I don't want to cramp up the homepage! And because I love saying "after the jump"; it makes me feel like a real blogger!