Sunday, July 21, 2013

My "makeup bag" - VIDEO

Remember how I'm really new to this whole wearing makeup thing? Well, once I started figuring out how to do it and subsequently discovered that makeup could be purchased quite cheaply, I acquired rather a lot of it. I outgrew my previous makeup bag, which was really just a travel case that, again, my mom got in a bonus pack and gave to me.

Do you want to see what I have now? It's HILARIOUS.

(Click the jump thing for a VIDEO!)

Some closeup pics, cause why not:
All zipped up...

Isn't that chic? 

Okay honey, there's a difference between cheap and just ghetto! 

At least it's organized...?

I TOLD YOU! But I will also tell you that it's not for long! I have my eye on an awesome thing that's not exactly a traditional makeup bag (umm, but it's better than THIS!) but makes sense to me and will be perfect!

What? Of course I'll show it to you when I get it!


PS - Yes, this was just to tide you over until I get my HUGE HAUL VIDEO posted. 

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